Netflix’s new reality television show The Ultimatum, which has been all the rage recently, brings six couples together in an experiment that runs for four weeks. Lauren, Alexis, Hunter, Ray, Nate, Zay, Colby, Madlyn, April, Jake, Shanique, and Randal have been reflecting on their dating lives for weeks now, but how old is each character with respect to their partners?
Recommended VideosThese couples have one thing in common, in that one partner is ready to get married while the other isn’t sure. After spending time together for a week, each person chooses another partner and lives with them for three weeks. At the end of the experiment, the couples decide if they want to stick it out for the long run, or choose someone else.
Below we’ve listed the age of each cast member, though paired with their real-life partners, as opposed to the show’s pairings.
Lauren (30) and Nate (30)
Starting off with Lauren Pounds and Nate Ruggles, they’ve both recently rocked their 30th birthday, even though Netflix originally proclaimed Lauren’s age as 26, causing a bit of controversy in its wake. Nate wants to have children, but Lauren doesn’t. That’s the fundamental hitch in their relationship.
Alexis (27) and Hunter (28)
Alexis Maloney, who went through one heck of an emotional journey on The Ultimatum, recently celebrated her 27th birthday. Her partner Hunter Parr is 29 and refusing to pop the question.
Madlyn (24) and Colby (25)
Madlyn Ballatori is 24, while her partner Colby Kissinger celebrates reaching the midway of his twenties. Colby always knew that Madlyn was “the one” for him, but apparently, that’s not the conclusion his significant other has managed to reach yet.
Shanique (24) and Randall (26)
Shanique Imari is two years younger than her partner Randall Griffin, but despite being the younger of the chaotic duo, Shanique knows where her priorities lie, while Randall wants to put off marriage until he can pay off his debts.
Rae (24) and Zay (25)
Rae Williams and Zay Wilson are not only the cutest couple on the reality show, but they have one year separating them. Rae has graduated from college and wants to tie the knot, but her boyfriend Zay doesn’t share that enthusiasm.
April (23) and Jake (26)
As for April Marie and Jake Cunningham, the 26-year-old ex-military wants to travel and find financial stability before getting down on one knee, while his 23-year-old girlfriend wants to form a family as soon as possible.