Assist | Level | Description | Pokémon |
Tackle | 1 | Fires a short range shockwave. |  |
2 | Fires a short range shockwave. |  |
3 | Fires a short range shockwave. | * |
4 | Fires a short range shockwave. | **  |
5 | Fires a short range shockwave. |  |
Charm [Surrounding] | 1 | Surrounds itself in 4 hearts that circle around itself. |  |
2 | Surrounds itself in 6 hearts that circle around itself. |  |
3 | Surrounds itself in 8 hearts that circle around itself. | * |
4 | Surrounds itself in 12 hearts that circle around itself. | **  |
Charm [Eevee] | 1 | Surrounds itself in 16 hearts in a square pattern. If Eevee is placed near the edge of the screen, it will fire hearts forwards. |  |
2 | Surrounds itself in 16 hearts in a square pattern. If Eevee is placed near the edge of the screen, it will fire hearts forwards. | * |
3 | Surrounds itself in 16 hearts in a square pattern. If Eevee is placed near the edge of the screen, it will fire hearts forwards. | ** |
Explosion | 2 | Explodes 2 times in quick succession. |  |
3 | Explodes 3 times in quick succession. |  |
4 | Explodes 6 times in quick succession. |  |
Fire Pillars [Forward] | 2 | Creates 2 pillars of fire in front of it, followed by 8 more pillars in a pattern in front of it. |  |
3 | Creates 3 pillars of fire in front of it, followed by 10 more pillars in a pattern in front of it | *  |
4 | Creates 3 pillars of fire in front of it, followed by 10 more pillars in a pattern in front of it. |  |
Typhlosion Impact | 5 | Creates a massive inferno of short lived flames in front of itself. | * |
6 | Creates 3 lines of 6 fiery explosions in front of itself. | ** |
Spit Fire | 2 | Fires a short ranged burst of twice as many embers for a short time. |  |
3 | Fires a medium ranged burst of flames in a thin arc for a short time. |  |
4 | Fires a medium ranged burst of flames in a medium arc for a short time. |  |
5 | Fires a medium ranged burst of flames in a wide arc for a short time. |  |
Bubble Beam | 1 | Shoots 6 bubbles in front of itself, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
2 | Shoots 8 bubbles in front of itself, causing the target to become Slowed. | * *  |
3 | Shoots 10 bubbles in front of itself, causing the target to become Slowed. | **  |
4 | Shoots 12 bubbles in front of itself, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
5 | Shoots a constant stream of bubbles that continue off screen, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
Water Orb | 1 | Shoots an orb of water that continues off screen. |  |
2 | Shoots an orb of water that continues off screen. |  |
3 | Shoots an orb of water that continues off screen. |  |
4 | Shoots an orb of water that continues off screen. |  |
Bubbles [Surrounding] | 1 | Creates 5 clusters of bubbles that circle around itself, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
2 | Creates 7 clusters of bubbles that circle around itself, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
3 | Creates 7 clusters of bubbles that circle around itself, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
4 | Creates 8 clusters of bubbles that circle around itself, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
Feraligatr Impact | 5 | Creates a slowly expanding ring of short lived geysers around it. | * |
6 | Creates a jet of water that sweeps across the screen until hitting its first target. | ** |
Thunder | 1 | Creates 3 lighting strikes in front of it, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
2 | Creates 5 lighting strikes in front of it, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
3 | Creates lighting strikes in all diagonal directions, striking 5 times and causing the target to become Paused. |  |
5 | Creates 8 massive lighting strikes in a clockwise circle around it, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
Discharge | 1 | Discharges small bolts of electricity in a tiny radius around it, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
2 | Discharges small bolts of electricity in a small radius around it, causing the target to become Stopped. | |
3 | Discharges small bolts of electricity in a medium radius around it, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
5 | Discharges small bolts of electricity in a massive radius around it, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
Ivy Pillars | 1 | Creates 6 ivy pillars in a circle around it, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
2 | Creates 10 ivy pillars in a circle around it, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
3 | Creates 10 ivy pillars in a circle around it, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
4 | Creates 16 ivy pillars in a circle around it, causing the target to become Slowed. | **  |
Bullet Seed | 1 | Shoots 4 seeds that continues off screen. |  |
2 | Shoots 6 seeds that continues off screen. |  |
3 | Shoots 9 seeds that continues off screen. |  |
4 | Shoots 14 seeds that continues off screen. | *  |
5 | Shoots 20 seeds that continues off screen. | ** |
Razor Leaf | 1 | Creates 3 clusters of leaves that circle around it at a slow pace. |  |
2 | Creates 6 clusters of leaves that circle around it at a slow pace. |  |
3 | Creates 6 clusters of leaves that circle around it at a quick pace. |  |
4 | Creates 6 clusters of leaves that circle around it at a fast pace. |  |
5 | Creates 15 large clusters of leaves that circle around it at a quick pace. |  |
Meganium Impact | 5 | Creates 4 lines of expanding ivy pillars, and repeats this move 3 times. | * |
6 | Shoots 5 solar beams in quick succession, sweeping clockwise. | ** |
Ice Spikes | 2 | Creates a line of 5 ice spikes in front of it, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
4 | Drops 10 ice spikes in a star shape in front of it, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
Blizzard | 2 | Surrounds itself in a small blizzard, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
4 | Surrounds itself in a large blizzard, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
5 | Scatters a blizzard in 4 directions, causing the target to become Stopped. |  |
Shockwave | 1 | Creates a tiny shockwave around itself, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
2 | Creates a small shockwave around itself, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
3 | Creates a medium shockwave around itself, causing the target to become Paused. | * |
4 | Creates a large shockwave around itself, causing the target to become Paused. | **  |
Punch | 2 | Throws a large punch in front of itself. |  |
3 | Throws 2 large punches in front of itself. | *  |
4 | Throws 2 large punches in front of itself. |  |
Poison Blobs | 1 | Throws a poisonous blob that sticks to the ground and lingers, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
2 | Throws 2 poisonous blobs that sticks to the ground and lingers, causing the target to become Tired. | ** |
3 | Throws 2 poisonous blobs that sticks to the ground and lingers, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
4 | Throws 3 poisonous blobs that sticks to the ground and lingers, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
5 | Throws 6 poisonous blobs that sticks to the ground and lingers, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
Poison Gas | 1 | Creates 6 clouds of toxic gas that circle around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
2 | Creates 10 clouds of toxic gas that circle around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
3 | Creates 8 large clouds of toxic gas that circle around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
Fissure [Forward] | 2 | Creates a line of fissures that stops just before going off screen. |  |
3 | Creates a line of fissures that continues off screen. |  |
4 | Creates 2 lines of fissures that continues off screen. |  |
5 | Creates 3 lines of fissures that continues off screen. |  |
Fissure [Surrounding] | 2 | Creates 4 fissures in 3 different lines that circles around itself counter clockwise. |  |
3 | Creates 5 fissures in 2 different lines that circles around itself counter clockwise. |  |
Tornado [Forward] | 1 | Shoots a tornado in front of itself. |  |
2 | Shoots 2 tornados in front of itself. |  |
3 | Creates 3 tornados in front of itself that spin in a small circle. |  |
5 | Creates 6 large tornados in front of itself that spin in a small circle. |  |
Tornado [Surrounding] | 1 | Creates 3 tornados that circle around itself. |  |
2 | Creates 4 tornados that circle around itself. |  |
Air Cutter | 5 | Shoots 16 air cutters in a wide arc in front of itself. |  |
Strange Orbs | 2 | Shoots 5 strange orbs in a wide arc in front of itself, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
3 | Shoots 3 strange orbs in a small arc in front of itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
4 | Shoots 5 strange orbs in a wide arc in front of itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
Strange Rings | 1 | Creates 2 strange rings in front of itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
2 | Creates 3 strange rings in front of itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
3 | Creates 4 strange rings in front of itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
Mewtwo Impact | 5 | Creates several laser strike in front of itself in a straight line, causing the target to become Paused. | * |
6 | Creates 4 massive laser strikes in front of itself that spin in a small circle, causing the target to become Paused. | ** |
Sticky Blobs | 1 | Throws 4 sticky blobs that sticks to the ground and lingers, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
2 | Throws 6 sticky blobs that sticks to the ground and lingers, causing the target to become Slowed. |  |
Twin Needle | 1 | Shoots 4 needles that continues off screen, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
2 | Shoots 8 needles that continues off screen, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
4 | Shoots 12 needles that continues off screen, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
Rock Slide [Forward Scattered] | 1 | Drops 6 rocks in a random area front of itself. |  |
3 | Drops 12 rocks in a random area front of itself. |  |
4 | Drops 14 rocks in a random area front of itself. | *  |
5 | Drops 16 rocks in a random area front of itself. | **  |
Rock Slide [Forward Line] | 1 | Drops 4 rocks in front of itself in a line. | * |
Rock Slide [Surrounding] | 1 | Drops 9 rocks around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
2 | Drops 9 rocks around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
3 | Drops 20 rocks around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
5 | Drops 30 large boulders around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
Rock Throw | 1 | Throws 6 small rocks forwards. |  |
2 | Throws 8 small rocks forwards. |  |
Malice Spheres [Surrounding] | 2 | Creates 3 malice spheres that swirls around itself, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
3 | Creates 3 malice spheres that swirls around itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
4 | Creates 3 malice spheres that swirls around itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
5 | Creates 5 malice spheres that swirls around itself twice, causing the target to become Paused. |  |
Malice Spheres [Forward] | 1 | Shoots a malice spheres that travels in a circle in front of itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
2 | Shoots 3 malice spheres that travels in a circle in front of itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
5 | Shoots 12 malice spheres that travels in a circle in front of itself twice, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
Dragon Breath | 2 | Shoots a constant stream of blue flames that continue off screen. |  |
3 | Shoots a constant stream of blue flames that continue off screen. |  |
Garchomp Impact | 5 | Creates 5 shockwaves around itself in quick succession. | * |
6 | Creates 3 massive triangular cuts along the ground in front of itself. | ** |
Blue Fire Ball | 2 | Shoots a small short ranged blue fireball. |  |
3 | Shoots a medium blue fireball that continues off screen. |  |
5 | Shoots a massive blue fireball that continues off screen. |  |
Dark Pulse | 1 | Creates a wave of darkness around itself, causing the target to become Tired. |  |
2 | Creates 3 waves of darkness around itself in quick succession., causing the target to become Tired. |  |
3 | Creates 4 waves of darkness around itself in quick succession., causing the target to become Tired. |  |
4 | Creates 5 waves of darkness around itself in quick succession., causing the target to become Tired. |  |
Dark Wind | 1 | Shoots 4 dark winds in a crossing pattern in front of itself. |  |
2 | Shoots 6 dark winds in a crossing pattern in front of itself. |  |
3 | Shoots 6 dark winds in a crossing pattern in front of itself. |  |
5 | Shoots 15 dark winds that group together before scattering. |  |
Steel Spheres | 1 | Fires a slow traveling steel sphere that continues off screen. |  |
2 | Fires a slow traveling steel sphere that continues off screen. |  |
3 | Fires a slow traveling steel sphere that continues off screen. |  |
4 | Fires a large slow traveling steel sphere that continues off screen. |  |
5 | Fires 3 large slow traveling steel sphere that continues off screen. |  |
Iron Spheres | 2 | Drops 5 iron spheres in a line in front of itself. |  |
5 | Drops 14 iron spheres in a random pattern front of itself. |  |
Metagross Impact | 5 | Fires a beam of energy that crosses the entire screen. | * |
6 | Fires 3 parallel beam of energy that crosses the entire screen. | ** |
Recharge | 1 | Recharges the Styler's Energy Level by 1 in 3 bursts. |  |
2 | Recharges the Styler's Energy Level by 2 in 3 bursts. |  |
3 | Recharges the Styler's Energy Level by 3 in 5 bursts. |  |
4 | Recharges the Styler's Energy Level by 4 in 5 bursts. |  |
5 | Recharges the Styler's Energy Level by 5 in 7 bursts. |  |
- Pokémon with an asterisk (*) are summoned with a Ranger Sign.
- Pokémon with a double asterisk (**) are summoned with a charged Ranger Sign.