The lower primates or strepsirhines (suborder Strepsirhini) include lemurs, bush babies, lorises; the higher primates or haplorhines (suborder Haplorhini) include the tarsiers, Old and New World monkeys, apes and humans. Strepsirhines have moist noses; haplorhines have simple, dry noses.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in view, how do Haplorhines differ from Strepsirhines quizlet?Strepsirhines have a two part mandible and Haplorhines have a fused one. an arrangement of the cusps and grooves of the lower molars that is characteristic of hominids.Also Know, do Haplorhines have more teeth than Strepsirhines? O They have more teeth than strepsirhines do. O They have smaller brains than strepsirhines do. They are more sexually dimorphic than strepsirhines are hereas strepsirhines do. Similarly, you may ask, what does Strepsirrhine mean? also strepĀ·siĀ·rhine adjective. Of or designating the primate suborder Strepsirrhini, consisting of the lemurs, lorises, and bush babies, which characteristically have a moist area around the nostrils. noun. A strepsirrhine primate.Are humans Haplorhines?Modern haplorhines are divided into three infraorders: the Platyrrhini, the New World Monkeys; the Catarrhini, the Old World Monkeys, apes and humans; the Tarsiiformes, the tarsiers. While monkeys and apes are tropical or subtropical animals, humans live in all regions of the world.